Logo Guidelines


The Dish Worth the Drive mark should always be reproduced from the master artwork that is supplied. The logotype has a fixed relationship and must not be altered in any way other than indicated in this guideline document. 


Whenever possible the 2-color version of the Dish Worth the Drive mark should be used, printed in the indicated spot CMYK process colors. A 1-color version of the Dish Worth the Drive mark is available for 1-color applications. In these instances, black should be used NOT a grayscale representation of the 2-color logo. The secondary logo should be used for wide horizontal spaces. Where possible, the mark should be reproduced on a white background.

Primary Logo Colors


C86 M61 Y0 K0

R0 G102 B204

HEX# 0066cc


C14 M94 Y88 K0

R204 G51 B51

HEX# cc3333